So today was quite a day. This morning we got up early and headed to Al Azhar Mosque, the oldest Musli

After a normal day of classes, we all got dressed up for our first official program dinner. We went to Al Azhar Park, and it was absolutely amazing. The park was actually built by a religious group over a landfill that had become an eyesore in the city. Now waterfalls and shallow pools run through beautifully lush garden lined with palm trees. The restaurant sits at the top of a hill overlooking the park and we watched the sunset to one side over the city and looked out to another side and saw the Citadel- Salahadin's great fortress- looming over the city nearby. The food was great and after the sun went down, the park lit up (but just a bit, leaving a feeling of mystery and self-reflection to the night). The call to prayer could be heard from all directions- each mosque has its own muezzin who does the call.
Later, a few of us walked through Khan Al Khalili (the famous bazaar) again. It's different at night, especially on a Thursday night. Friday, in Islam, is the holiest day of the week and the midday prayer on Friday is very important. Therefore, the weekend here starts on Thursday night and the week starts Sunday morning. That means everyone's out late on Thursday and the bazaar is packed with families and merchants well passed 11:00. We walked around and were goaded into this shop and that. It was nice to be in a smaller group and be there at a time when most tourists weren't.
When the sun goes down in Cairo, the temperature is perfect. It's warm, but not hot, and a soft breeze usually blows in to keep things cool. I never would have expected the lush vegetation that hangs in the park or in other parts of the city, the contrast of that green to the city's old browns and grays make

Tim, its very interesting to read about the country and the people. The pictures are great.
....but are you studying?
keep up the good work.
Tim, you have very descriptive tongue in providing us the details on your sites, sounds, tastes and smells of your journey. Keep up the good work.
BTW- Your doctor called. The test was positive!!
Positive? Yikes!
Tim - keep the river on your right when you're running from camels!
Sounds like the whole experience is blowing your mind wide open - enjoy that feeling!!
Keep posting -
Hey Tim -
Happy Birthday this week- I'm posting this early - so you will get it in time.
What a year to remember! Enjoy and keep up the blog - we love it. One day the kids will do a school project on Egypt- and they'll be able to call "cool cousin Tim" for some info. !
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